Aftercare & Urn Options Included with Cremation:

Scatter Tube: this elegant tube is a navy cardboard composite. This option is perfect for families planning to scatter their pet's ashes, or anyone who enjoys the silver metallic paw prints and ease of access to their beloved pet.

Blue-Grey Ceramic Urn: this urn has a screw-on lid. Unfortunately, although very beautiful, it is not able to be engraved.

Off White-Tan Ceramic Urn: this urn has a screw-on lid. Unfortunately, although very beautiful, it is not able to be engraved.
Urn size will vary with & complement pet size

Carved Wooden Urn (Option 4): This beautiful carved wooden box-shaped urn is shut to carefully encase ashes. Two lines of engraving, with 14 characters maximum (per line) are available. Sorry but words cannot be split between lines. The engraved name plate will arrive separately so the owner will be able to place it wherever they deem is most appropriate to honor their beloved friend. In order to ensure proper spelling, a contact form MUST be filled out by the owner if engraving is desired.

Wooden Urn with Base (Option 5): This beautiful wooden box varies naturally in color but tends more towards a warm cherry red hue. It sits upon an attached base, creating a graceful profile. Two lines of engraving, with 14 characters maximum (per line) are available. Sorry but words cannot be split between lines. The engraved name plate will arrive separately so the owner will be able to place it wherever they deem is most appropriate to honor their beloved friend. In order to ensure proper spelling, a contact form MUST be filled out by the owner if engraving is desired.

Exotic Cremation Tin: This beautiful metal cremation urn is specially designed to accommodate our smaller exotic friends. It is aluminum on the inside and easily opens to reveal a red satin drawstring bag, encompassing the remains of your cherished loved ones. This urn is the only one included in the exotic cremation services cost, however other options are available at a slightly increased cost.